You are so Important in so many ways, and you should know that, and live that, and experience positively, more of that! What you do, how you live, what you put out into the world has a profound impact on the universe, and on everything in it.
Before we get to how important you are, let’s take a look at how just simply being, you affect the world around you.
How you affect the world.
“Just one look, one word, one display of body language can mean everything in the eyes of the perceiver.”
– Fostering Purpose
How a person perceives your look, words, or body language, can affect not only them, but it can affect the people who encounter them. A ripple effect of either positivity, or negativity, will spread, depending on how that communication was received.
You’ve probably heard of the ripple effect when it comes to how we treat people in our experience. Some may call this karma, you get what you give, what goes around comes around… You’ve probably experienced it for yourself when someone has appeared to put you down or shown some sort of disdain towards you. Whether they intended to or not doesn’t matter, it’s how it’s perceived by the receiver that matters.
In perceiving that negativity, you have invited negative energy into your flow. That negative energy makes you feel lousy and those around you, sensing that negativity or experiencing your reaction to that lousy feeling, are being affected.
We hold a lot of power over the feelings of others, and not being careful with our actions can cause a lot of heartache for them. On the other hand, if careful and intentional, we can use that power to boost morale, encourage growth, motivate, and inspire self-love and self-worth. In doing so we can invite positive experiences into our own lives mirroring what we put out.
To understand this concept, you must first understand positive and negative energy and its importance in our life experience. Understanding this concept can have an astounding impact on the way you experience life, and on the way you influence others lives.
When you can understand the power of energy and live in a way to expand that energy around you, positively, then you can truly accomplish anything, and in doing so you can change lives.
Understanding energy and the concept of like attracts like.
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another. All things, even objects that appear solid, are made of vibrating and moving energy.
Positive energy vibrates at a higher rate of speed than negative energy. This positive energy will attract experiences that match the vibrational frequency of your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Conversely, negative energy will attract experiences that align with its vibrational frequency.
The quality of the energy we emit into the world, whether positive or negative, can and will affect those around us in corresponding ways. Living in a high-quality, positive energy state results in a positive energy field surrounding you. Your energy field, whether negative or positive, influences the energy fields of those around you.
A positive energy field radiates much farther than a negative one. You’ve likely experienced the uplifting feeling of being near a highly positive person, as well as the draining effect of being around someone with low energy.
Okay let’s talk about your greatness now!
What’s so important about you?
Why are you so important? Why are you worthy of love from yourself, from others, and from the universe? Because, if you remember who you truly are you’ll realize that you are magnificent! You are the child of all that is and ever will be, you’re the creator, the experiencer, the amazing soul that is here to live hard and learn large!
You are the child of the king so to say and the blood of that king runs through your veins. That blood holds the DNA of all that is powerful and all that is important, all that IS. If you carry the DNA of all that is, you at your core, are all that is. Together WE are all that is.
You’re not that person who made this or that mistake. You are not that terrible person that others may have claimed you are. You’re truly the soul that came here and has experienced so much, overcame so much, learned so much, grew so much, and contributed so much. No matter what you have experienced, you’ve learned. No matter what you’ve reaped, you’ve sewn. You have contributed to the experience of the soul whether it was positive or negative. You’ve become this one person that is unique in their experience and like no other in their knowledge and beliefs.
In our current reality, we’re confused and don’t remember who we truly are. We’ve let life kick us around and we’ve listened to what we have been told, by people who don’t know. We’ve been conditioned to believe that this life is just a game of chance and that we get what we get. We forget that we are intelligent, powerful beings, full of light and love. We have forgotten that we have this immense power inside of us to create every single detail of our lives.
You, creating you.
When you can say, “Yesterday I was this person, but today I am this person.” Then you are deciding today to be who you want to be. Yesterday is over and today is now. Everyday you are different, knowing different things, feeling different feelings, believing different beliefs. Every day you are growing, evolving, learning, and experiencing. And if you stay right here, right now, being what you want to be then you are always being what you want to be. When you leave the past where it is which is gone, you can experience the moment in totality, which is now and turns into forever.
Without even thinking about the future, you know that being who you are in the now, always, means you are that forever. And through living positively, things change, and you grow. Your abundance increases in positive ways, but still at your core you remain that amazing person you want to be, not just for yourself but for the world around you.
You hold the power to create your extraordinary life. This power, this light inside of you, grows bigger and bigger as you get better and better at nurturing and cultivating it. As your light shines brighter, your energy expands around you and affects everything and everyone around you. This bright light will light up the way for someone with low energy, likely feeling quite sad and lost.
Your bright light can inspire others to want to brighten their own lights. Your bright light will shine on our planet and amplify our collective light. Our combined light energy, which in turn will heal our planet. That positive energy coming from everyone collectively will ripple and spread and heal the world.
Why does the world need you?
There is something that you have to offer this world, that only YOU can offer.
Nobody else knows the things you know in the way that you know them. No one else can speak the words you speak in the way that you speak them. Nobody else feels the feelings you feel in the way that you feel them. This all means that you are the only one who can offer what you are passionate about to this world.
There’s a wonderful thing about sharing your beautiful positive self with the world. The world starts sharing beautiful positive things with you. The world wants to hear what you have to say and learn what you have to teach! There could never be too many teachers. If there are still people left to learn then there are still things that have not been taught. You may just hold that language that changes lives everywhere. That language, that way of speaking, the way of describing, the way of explaining, that is unique to only you.
Now more than ever, people are seeking to learn about their true selves. This is a time when people are waking up to who we truly are, why we are here, and what our purpose is in this experience.
Let’s look at some other ways you can help to change our world!
Share your love.
Have you ever sent authentic love to someone? Well, guess what! You can, and it doesn’t matter who they are, or where they are. All you need to do is concentrate on your heart and imagine a light of love, flowing from your chest straight to theirs. Feel that energy flowing out of you.
As you practice and get better at this you will be able to strongly feel that love (energy) rushing from you to them. And don’t worry, sharing that love won’t drain your energy. You will have love energy rushing back in from everywhere, in response to your sharing.
Love attracts love my loves.🖤
Choose your words wisely.
There is so much power in always speaking positively. This means you should always be speaking about what you do want, and never about what you don’t want. In only speaking about what you do want, you will be drawing only positivity into your life. By not wasting your time and energy focusing on the negative things you don’t want in your life, you’re giving that negativity no attention. You’re giving negativity no power. Where your attention goes energy flows so make that energy positive with positive thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.
Instead of saying “I hope I don’t get stuck in traffic today” say “I hope the roads are nice and clear.” Instead of saying “I hope I’m not late” say “I hope I get there with lots of time to spare.” Give power to positivity, and let positivity grow around you.
When people hear how you speak, and they pick up on your positive vibes, you’ll be setting a great example and prompting them to do the same. The positivity you radiate will be so comforting and uplifting to those around you that you’ll be a pleasure to be around. When you radiate positivity and are a joy to be around, you naturally attract others who exude the same warmth and positivity. Good vibes attract good company.
Compliment others.
There’s got to be something you admire in every person that you interact with. Telling them so will mean far more than you may know. A compliment can be relived in the mind repeatedly, bringing with it the good feelings that it invoked, repeatedly. A compliment can be the boost someone needs to love something about themselves and foster growth in that self-love. It doesn’t cost a thing to give a compliment!
Bonus points for complimenting on something you would like to see manifested in your own life. If you notice this quality in someone else, it’s probably because it’s something you would admire for yourself. Embrace joy in seeing that quality, compliment that quality in others and you’ll be inviting it into your own experience.
Spread some joy.
If the only thing you did in life is spread some joy, love, and faith, then you have contributed to changing the world. In doing so, you will invite more joy, love, and faith into your own life. The world needs you to radiate your positive energy and to be conscious of your feelings and mood. Radiate love and gratitude to all that is around you. Watch as more things to love and be grateful for ripple back to you. What an inspiration to always feel your best!
Inspire people toward self-love and self-worth, to be inspired toward self-love and self-worth. Encourage growth to be encouraged to grow. Motivate to be motivated. If you live in a way where you are always aware of what you are putting out there, then you can expect that the experiences in your own life to mirror that. Intentionally radiate positivity and watch how your life experience transforms.
Decide who you want to be and be that person starting now and staying in the now. You’ll always be that person. You can choose to be anyone you want to be! You are the person with the power to make your experience what you want it to be. Share the good that you have to share, radiate the love you have to radiate. Inspire by being inspirational for others and for yourself.
Share yourself in a positive way with the world. You have experiences like no other and the things you’ve learned through those experiences can help others. Utilize your remarkable qualities to help others realize their own potential. Remember, you are profoundly significant! 🖤